Monday, July 18, 2011

Some well spent money

Braedyn's helmet has taken some abuse, this summer, with his repeated face plants. Never have I been so thankful for a full face helmet until Trestle Bike Park in Winter Park, CO. It has saved his face with his many trips over the bars while getting in the mountain biking groove. His latest wipe out where he hurt his hand has slowed him down and made him a bit more cautious, which from a mother's perspective is a very good thing. To often this summer, after a major wipe out, he's up and riding again without any hesitation. After he couldn't grip his bike handle for a short time I think it sunk in that he is not superman and he CANNOT always walk away pain free. But regardless of his 'incidents' I have never seen him love his bike more, and that is saying something, because this kid loves to ride and fly through the air!
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