Sunday, November 09, 2008

Piggy Bank

When Braedyn was born his Aunt Michelle sent over a handmade wooden barrel full of hand rolled cigars. The cigars were put to good use quickly, and the barrel was also used. For a time it served as a random decoration and then it morphed into a storage container for pens and pencils. With Braedyn getting a little older and having some interest in money we decided to start him out with an allowance. He gets a dolalr a week right now and he typically wants it all in pennies as that is a lot more.... We typically give him a number of different coins to work with each week. Anyhow, he was having a problem keeping all of his money in one place so we figured we were in need of a piggy bank. Instead of running out and buying a fancy one to take up more space in our house we drilled a hole in the top of the Cigar barrel and let Braedyn paint it to his liking and Wa-La we had a new piggy bank. Money doesn't stay in it for too long, but with just a small hole, it takes a little work for him to get it out of there....

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Jon Rose said...

That's funny! I tried to spoke my "Baby Davis" cigar last weekend, but I waited so long that it just crumbled because it was so dried out...

Cheryl said...

what a clever idea!