Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July

Well Michael was left at home by the rest of the family for the week preceeding the 4th. I got lots of work done around the house in preparation for putting it on the market to sell which is a good thing, but it was a little boring being at home alone and I kind of miss my family... I went out one night to the cinema to see Wall-E since I can never talk Talisha into seeing Pixar, animated movies. That was pretty good.

Then, Arye, a guy from work invited me to come down to his boat at the Elliot Bay Marina in Seattle for the 4th of July fireworks with his family and another guy from work, Will, and his family. That was a great place to watch the fireworks. We sat around his big sailboat and grilled hamburgers and watched all the excitement happening at the marina and then kicked back to watch the fireworks shot off over Seattle. I even climbed up into the crows nest for the display!

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