Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chism Park, Bellevue

Not quite as nice of a day, but in Seattle, if it's not raining, then it's a nice day! We took advantage and visited Chism Beach Park in Bellevue on the shore of Lake Washington. This was a nice little park that is much like many of the other small, neighborhood parks that line the lakes around here. There is a nice sandy area on the water with a small playground and some nice benches and grass for the parents to watch the boats pass by. Lots of rocks and sticks are around for throwing off of the dock and there are seats for lifeguards that I assume must be there in the summer time. Both sides of the park are flanked by multi million dollar homes with nice yachts sitting out back to drool over. We had a fun experience finding the parking lot as we came in the back way which takes you down near the beach where there are a couple handicap parking spots, but these are really on the walking trail. Of course they don't block off ther rest of the trail or put any signs up so we just kept driving down this small road which kept getting narrower and finally ended at some stairs leading up to the real parking lot.... If only the Pruis had a little more clearance...

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