Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy Year!

Well, it's now 2008 and what a year we had in 2007! It was marked by all kinds of change in our lives and we're excited to look back on it with happiness and excitement. We had so many fun times with friends and family, we moved, we explored and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves while doing. There were some tough time in there as well, but we have so much to be thankful for in the year past. We made a move to Washington for a new job that has turned out to be a great move for Michael, he is really enjoying his work at Microsoft. Talisha has been enjoying here time she gets to spend with Braedyn and her new friends, and still somehow finds time to stay in shape and work out a the local gym. We saw our little baby boy grow into a self-thinking little toddler who can walk and talk and get dirty and smile and throw a mean tantrum! We found a house that we are just in love with, and we kept a 4lb dog alive all at the same time!

Happy New Year from our little family to yours! Following is a recap of our year in pictures. We've chosen a few pictures from each month of the year that represented our experience. There are so many other images (4087 to be exact) that could have been chosen, but we thought these were the best.

1 comment:

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

Happy New Year from our small family to your small family! I'm glad to see other small families out there celebrating together:) I loved all the updates from previous months...must of taken forever to blog all of that! Have a wonderful beginning to the new year and we can't wait for more pictures of all of you!