Sunday, October 15, 2006

Braedyn still really likes playing in the sand. We took him out for our morning walk along Sunset beach this morning and let him play a little bit.

He really got into it this time and got himself pretty much completely covered in sand. He had sand all over his belly, arms and legs; in his armpits, diaper, ears, nose, mouth and hair. He decided it doesn't even taste that bad (although mommy didn't like that at all).

So we gave him a series of baths to get the sand off, this was difficult as sand sticks extremely well to sunblock! We started off by rinsing him off in the ocean, which mainly moved more of the sand into his diaper. We then hosed him off at the house in the outside shower. Then finished him off with an official bath in the kitchen sink with some soap and shampoo. Welcome to life with a clean-freak for a mom, Braedyn!
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1 comment:

Michael, Kelly, Kai and Kale Hobbs said...

Hooray to the clean freaks!