Sunday, June 29, 2008

little sayings

One of the funny sayings that Braedyn has that makes us laugh lately occurs when he's getting ready to eat something that he really likes. He tells us, "Braedyn eat some of that...", and then proceeds to add on, "and then it goes in Braedyn's tummy and then Braedyn poops it out,(then very seriously adds) after I digest it." The book, Everybody Poops is obviously sinking in. Braedyn is easily carrying on conversations these days with mommy and daddy and anyone who will listen really. It is very entertaining hearing what rattles around in that little two year old mind of his. Sometimes he still mixes up his words but usually manages to get the point across none the less. One example of this being, the other day we were at the zoo and it was really sunny out so Braedyn announced, " I don't want to get my sunburn on". We got the point, but after 30 minutes or so he got lathered up anyway.

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