Friday, November 16, 2007


On Thursday morning we packed up and headed to the airport to go to Iowa for the Thanksgiving holiday. We had a rather uneventful plane ride from Seattle to Denver and then from Denver to Cedar Rapids. It was certainly a little tougher this time around as Braedyn does not just sit still anymore and so was walking the aisles of the planes for a majority of the flight. Luckily he's sorta cute so most people just smile. As long as he isn't screaming I guess most people will be happy to see him.... On our flight out of Seattle we were taking a peak in the cockpit when the pilot came in. He invited Braedyn in to have a seat in the pilot seat and play around a bit with all the buttons and controls and encouraged daddy to take some pictures.

We made it in to Iowa just fine, Braedyn even did well without taking a nap the whole day!

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