Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Day of Hiking

We spent the day Saturday, doing a hike in to a small waterfall on the windward side of Oahu. It was pretty hot and muggy out as the trade winds have died down for a few days (so they say). Mom and Dad lost a few pounds of water weight on the hike. The hike was especially muggy since it was primarily through dense jungle.

Daddy carried Braedyn the whole way in and out in the Baby Bjorn. Braedyn loves this thing, he just sits there and sings and makes all the passers by smile.

Here's a family shot with the mountains in the background. This is almost all the way up to the waterfall, still sweating.....

We finally made it, so of course Mommy wanted to hold Braedyn for the victory shot! He was then given right back to dad to carry out.

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