Saturday, March 31, 2007

Playing with some toys...

Braedyn gets quite the kick out of being dropped onto a stack of pillows and then rolling off of them...

Not much happening around here lately, just work and hanging out. Braedyn has a couple new teeth and is acting like a few more are on their way. We've been experiementing with different foods to see if he might have some alleregy or aversion to something, but no clear answers yet. He spends his days hanging out with mommy, playing with his toys, going to see his friends, eating and sleeping. The weather here has been pretty nice. Starting to warm up a bit and we've had a few beautiful sunny days recently. Here are a few random shots of the kiddo hanging out at the apartment.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Braedyn's new favorite toy is the box that daddy's new shoes came in...

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Braedyn with his friends, twins Alexendra & Isabella at Idylwild park.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Braedyn's first self inflicted injury that resulted in a bandaide being required. He pulled a book off of a coffee table and we think that the corner of it caught him on the foot and gave him a little scratch that actually bled a little. After some amount of crying and cuddling with mommy everything turned out to be ok.
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Braedyn with his favorite person in the whole world

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Hiking on the trail out to the Dungeness Spit. If you're wondering where mom always is, Daddy does most of the carrying, so mommy does most of the picture taking.

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Hiking the Dungeness Spit

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More Wet day beach combing

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Daddy and Braedyn hanging out on the Straight of Juan de Fuca on a wet, rainy day!
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Standing at the front of the ferry is always fun with the wind. Braedyn hasn't quite decided what to think about it yet though.

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On the ferry on the way for a weekend get away on the Olympic Peninsula. A little fresh air was nice after the 2 hour wait for the ferry. But it did set us up to watch the sunset over the olympic mountains on our way across.

This is actually Mt Rainier in the background of this pic.
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Friday, March 16, 2007

hanging out at the doctor

allergy testing

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One Year Pictures

We just got Braedyn's One Year pictures! Here are a few of them, if you want to see all of them check them out at

Monday, March 12, 2007

Rob was right, you can get him all the coolest new toys and fanciest gadgets in the world, but the simple, every day things are what seem to attract the most attention. Braedyn has spent quite a bit of time over the last few evenings putting a spoon into the pot (more like throwing it in) and then taking it out again. It seems to be worth hours of enjoyment!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I added a new link on the side to the blog of some friends of our's that I just discovered, Chad and Nicole. They live in Penang, Malasia (I don't know how to spell all that). They are expecting a new baby any day now!

Making an Escape

Braedyn is definately getting a lot more mobile and agile. We always knew eating seemed like kind of a bore to him, but we never knew he wanted to play this bad. He figured out how to get up and out of his high chair, luckily daddy was close at hand to keep him safe. I guess it's time to put the little belt back in....

Twin Falls

We took a little drive east of Seattle today to go for a short hike. The weather decided to cooperate with us and only sprinkled on us a bit. The hike we did was recommended as a great waterfall hike close to Seattle, it's at Twin Falls State Park and has a very pretty series of waterfalls with nice trails and overlooks. It was rainy enough that we got to try out the rain cover on Breadyn's pack, so that was very exciting!

Here's a vew of the main fall.

Braedyn and Daddy posing for a shot at the overlook above the main falls. There is about a 100+ foot drop from this overlook into the pool below the falls.

From the overlook you hike up a short distance to the top of the main falls and there is this pretty little bridge over it and just under anoter set of falls. Unfortunately there isn't really any good place to get a good picture, at least for the ameature that I am.

With all the rain, things are so amazingly greeen here. All the moss is a new thing to us so we had to pose for a shot with the moss!

The guide book said that this hike was partially through some old growth forest. We saw a few trees that looked like they were pretty old, here's one of them.

Although it was a short hike, it still took long enough that we needed to stop and feed the kiddo...